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Help and support for the transgender community


I had been married 12 years when my partner wrote me a letter pouring out his feelings about his trangenderism, because he could not bear to have a secret in our marriage.

While I had always been proud of his feminine side I did not see this coming and was deeply distressed. My knowledge of the subject went no further than Thai ladyboys. When the dust had settled I posed two questions to myself. Did I still love this man? Yes. All that had changed was that I now knew something more about him, something I didn't like, but it didn't change the way we felt about each other. He had shown courage in trusting that I would recognise this, although it was a big risk to take.

What was I afraid of? "People" finding out and It reflecting badly on me and the man I loved. Had I decided to finish this perfect marriage those people would have wanted to know why and once they knew the fear I had would be out in the open, so why wreck something good to gain - nothing. I have discovered that no friends and family have shunned us though few wish to meet my husband "en femme". So instead I decided to go on the journey with him. There have been good times, fearful moments, more tears, pride and yes, fun.

I have taught him about what clothes and makeup works. How to look like a smart middle aged woman, and he does it well. He has introduced me to the world of the transgendered. I prefer it to many hobbies that he could have - shopping is great and I often get a treat too.



Would you like to join us?

Beaumont Partners is a volunteer organisation, run exclusively by women, for women. We aim to improve the emotional wellbeing of women who are experiencing issues as a result of discovering that their partners are transgender.

If you're a woman with experience of living with someone who's transgender and are willing to share your personal experience to the benefit of others, we'd love to hear from you - why not drop us an email at
