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Help and support for the transgender community

Help and advice

As a volunteer group, we proud of our ability to offer information based on our own experiences.

Help and advice

As a volunteer group, we proud of our ability to offer information based on our own experiences through the following mediums

Email:- You're more than welcome to send us an email - All enquiries can be directed to

Mail: - We also operate a postal service, if you would like to use this service, you can write to us at the below address.

Beaumont Partners, 27 Old Gloucester Street London WC1N 3XX

The protection of personal privacy is an important concern for Beaumont Partners and we are committed to safeguarding the privacy of others.

You can access information on this website without having to provide any personal details. Beaumont Partners will monitor how many people access this service for the purpose of providing relevant up to date support. Information about the number of visitors is completely anonymous.

If you would like to talk to someone with total confidentiality, the Mindline TRANS+ Transgender Helpline exists to support trans people, their families and friends. Confidential support on Mondays and Fridays 8pm - Midnight 0300 330 5468


Would you like to join us?

Beaumont Partners is a volunteer organisation, run exclusively by women, for women. We aim to improve the emotional wellbeing of women who are experiencing issues as a result of discovering that their partners are transgender.

If you're a woman with experience of living with someone who's transgender and are willing to share your personal experience to the benefit of others, we'd love to hear from you - why not drop us an email at
